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Sabtu, 20 Mei 2017

Google Alert - Corruption

Pembaruan harian 20 Mei 2017
If you think that the corruption scandal swirling around Brazilian President Michel Temer is the only one that will shake Latin America in coming weeks, ...
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As Nigeria fights the brutal insurgency of Boko Haram, its army is hampered by an equally dangerous enemy: corruption. That is according to a new ...
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More innovative approaches could be key to tackling the scourge of corruption in Nigeria, a report by Chatham House has concluded.
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Brazil's top prosecutor is accusing President Michel Temer of corruption and obstruction of justice, according to a court filing released Friday by the ...
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ROME (Reuters) - Italian prosecutors are investigating the president of Sicily's regional government, a junior minister in the central government and ...
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The global anti-corruption campaign group Transparency International is in Madrid to pressure authorities into tackling the endemic corruption that ...
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That, says the anti-corruption organization Transparency International, is the problem. In a report published Thursday, Transparency International ...
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KOCHI: Corruption - perhaps, no other factor has had a major influence on the general public than the huge bribery and corruption scandals of the ...
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Sir, – Newton Emerson suggests that Simon Coveney's proposed anti-corruption agency should be based on the Hong Kong example (Opinion ...
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Minister Muthambi relaunches anti-corruption forum
Public Service and Administration Minister Faith Muthambi will on Friday convene a meeting in Pretoria to revive the National Anti-Corruption Forum ...
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Tunisia Truth and Dignity Commission Holds Public Hearing on...
Tunisia's Truth and Dignity Commission will host a public hearing examining pervasive corruption before the Jasmine Revolution. Watch live here, and ...
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