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Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018

Google Alert - Corruption

Pembaruan harian 13 Januari 2018
Some industries are more susceptible to corruption than others. As part of their analysis on the cost of corruption, PricewaterhouseCoopers asked CEOs around the world which sectors were most susceptible to corruption. Over two years, global CEOs rated mining as the most susceptible to corruption, ...
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BUENOS AIRES: Argentina's former economy minister and vice president, Amado Boudou, was freed from jail on Friday after an appeals court ruled that he was unlikely to interfere in a corruption case against him. Boudou, who served under former President Cristina Fernandez, was arrested in early ...
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Overall, countries in Southeast Asia perform poorly in Transparency International's Global Corruption Perceptions Index. Other than squeaky-clean Singapore, which ranks at No. 7 on the list, a majority of countries fall on the bottom half of the spectrum, with Indonesia at No. 90, Thailand and Philippines ...
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Sofia's faced repeated criticism from the European Commission for failing to prosecute and sentence allegedly corrupt officials. Bulgarians have been left with a sour taste. "As far as the government is concerned there are surely good old boys network companies, which provide an opportunity to make ...
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That's where I learned, for example, that giving money to a doctor before surgery is considered "corruption," but after surgery, it's a "thank you present." I learned that the money is not given for the procedure—the doctor is obliged to carry that out. The money is supposedly given for the post-operative care ...
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Long Qiuyuan, a prominent Chinese TV executive and signatory to the strategic agreement between Hunan TV and Lionsgate, has been arrested by Chinese authorities on suspicion of corruption. Reports of Long's arrest emerged in Chinese media on Thursday. He is suspected of accepting bribes.
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According to Transparency International, Bulgaria is the EU's most corrupt country. Corruption has deterred foreign investment since communism collapsed in Bulgaria in 1989, and the EU has kept Sofia as well as neighboring Romania - for the same rule-of-law failings - outside its Schengen zone of ...
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Maimane's hypocrisy in calling for stringent action against his political opponents but treating his own party members with kid gloves calls into serious question his apparent stand against corruption. The DA leader must also explain why Western Cape Premier Helen Zille and Human Settlements MEC ...
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ADDIS ABABA. – "By declaring 2018 the African Anti-Corruption Year, the African Union (AU) policy making organs have given a strong push forward in our collective efforts towards a peaceful and secure Africa… Indeed Corruption kills", underlined the Chairperson of the African Union Commission ...
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This choice was surprising, since he had been defeated in the 2016 parliamentary election, has not stood out for his political ideas in the past and has as many corruption allegations as Enkhbold. The second surprise was the nomination of Sainkhuu Ganbaatar — a former union leader and independent ...
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Apfs corrupt
How to extract emails from corrupted OST-files . If file data or metadata become corrupt, APFS; References External links. And if that bit is in the core OS, APFS in Detail: Overview APFS in Detail: Encryption, APFS support added, new PrintJobs plugin, fix minor bugs, some refact # On partial/corrupted ...
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In India, Subtle Corruption Robs Villagers of Roads
Examining a major road-building program in India, researchers at Princeton University and the Paris School of Economics used an innovative technique to show that political corruption increased the chances that roads meant to connect isolated areas to the rest of the country would never be built, even ...
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