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Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

Google Alert - Gambling

Pembaruan harian 15 Desember 2017
Pennsylvania legalized online gambling in late October, becoming the fourth state to allow online betting. Some lawmakers in Washington, however, would like the federal government to override those states' laws and prohibit online gambling nationwide. The Restoration of America's Wire Act (RAWA), ...
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Even if players aren't technically gambling, video games and their use of loot boxes and microtransactions may still pose similar threats to children that real world gambling will, the UK Gambling Commission recently told Eurogamer. What this means for the future, and how big the threat actually is, ...
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"What their true value is may be anyone's guess -- perhaps the most one can say is that buying these things means buying risk, which makes it closer to gambling than investing," Poloz said. "All I will say to people intending to buy a so-called cryptocurrency is that you should read the fine print and make ...
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A judge has ruled that Illinois video gambling parlors must continue to evenly split their profits with companies that operate the terminals. ... Cook County Judge Neil H. Cohen ruled this month that splitting profits equally prevents terminal operators from offering incentives to gambling establishments.
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The spread of video-gambling terminals in Springfield appears to have leveled off after five years, though the amount gambled continues to grow. New figures from the Illinois Gaming Board show $9.9 million bet at 570 terminals last month. The figures were $9.8 million at 575 terminals in November ...
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TALLAHASSEE — Gambling regulators were wrong to try to take back a South Florida jai alai license they claimed was issued by mistake, an administrative law judge ruled this week. The issue surrounds what is known as a summer jai alai permit originally granted more than three decades ago in ...
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Well, if you poke fun at other people's misery enough times, eventually the gambling gods will suck you into the "bad beat" vortex along with those sad humans, and I was reminded of that lesson this past weekend. (I can't say that I've LEARNED that lesson, because I am an idiot, and I'll never learn.
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They contend that the cafes are not only breaking the compact but are afoul of anti-gambling legislation. A 2013 statute states that machines can not award prizes of more than 75 cents and can not accept credit cards or bills for payment, instead using quarters or tokens. Lawyers for the tribe submitted ...
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turkey-online-gambling-crackdown-mobile-money-transfers Turkey's crackdown against unauthorized online gambling ratcheted up another notch after the national banking regulator announced new curbs on mobile money transfers. Late last month, Turkish media reported that the Banking Regulation ...
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At her worst, Strauss was losing more than $2000 a week, and visiting the casino every night after working for the company.. "She remains remorseful, she remains truly ashamed," Ms Cox said. "(Gambling) isn't an excuse but it is a real issue in our community." The court heard the company was unlikely ...
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Gambling mega centre to open in Tokoroa
Locals are fighting back against a plan to combine three venues into one gambling mega centre in Tokoroa. The local council had approved plans to combine three existing gambling vehicles into one mega centre with 30 pokies and a possible onsite TAB. The South Waikato District Council says it's ...
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