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Jumat, 28 Juli 2017

Google Alert - Accident

Pembaruan harian 28 Juli 2017
A former Loreto Convent Msongari pupil on Wednesday narrated how she and her schoolmates were involved in a road accident six years ago.
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Ike Barinholtz is recovering after he broke his neck while filming the upcoming movie "The Pact." While shooting a falling stunt from a high platform on ...
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A touching video of a Navy SEAL standing and embracing his wife four months after a traumatic car accident left him with a severe brain injury has ...
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An accident investigation was underway but no details of any casualties was yet available. Drivers in the area stated one extensively damaged vehicle ...
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A man was stabbed to death after he flipped the bird to a group of people who had just gotten into an accident in the Bronx, police said. The deadly ...
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A truck driven by pop star Justin Bieber struck a man in Beverly Hills on Wednesday night, leaving the man with minor injuries to his leg, authorities ...
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According to CHP Sgt. Aaron Rohner, the accident happened around 5:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 26, near Elk Grove. As of 7 a.m., the northbound ...
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After five people were killed in an accident involving a civic body dumper and a car on NH 24, the kin and friends of the deceased are yet to come to ...
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Noel Oquendo, 46, was fatally injured late in the morning of July 25, 2017, in an industrial accident at Berry Plastics, 190 Stryker Road in Lopatcong ...
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one person killed in fatal accident in greene county
Alabama State Troopers are investigating a fatal crash that happened earlier today in Greene County Troopers say two commercial vehicles collided ...
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