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Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

Google Alert - Accident

Pembaruan harian 2 Juni 2017
A MAN's luxury car was badly damaged this morning in a bizarre accident when his SUV rolled off a landing onto jagged rocks at Sellicks Beach.
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The motorcycle was the only vehicle involved in the 4:37 p.m. accident on eastbound Route 22 between Fourth and 13th streets, Easton police said in ...
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MILTON, Mass. - Students, teachers and family members painted a mural in honor of a beloved Milton art teacher who was killed in a freak accident on ...
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Witnesses told deputies that a flat bottom boat had capsized while it was carrying three adults and two children, ages eight and six. Eric Knight, 51 ...
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Traffic on Interstate 15 crawls nearly to a standstill with five lanes closed as emergency response personnel respond to a fatal accident Thursday, June ...
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Staff Sergeant Nadzrie Matin, who joined the force in 2009, was involved in a traffic accident along Serangoon Road, near Kinta Road, at about ...
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Willimantic Police say they responded to the accident around 8:10 p.m. involving a motor vehicle and motorcycle on Route 32 (Windham Road) at ...
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Uber CEO Travis Kalanick posted a heartfelt letter about his parents on Thursday after he lost his mother, Bonnie Kalanick, in a tragic boating accident ...
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ATV Accident in Summers County
Crews were on the scene of an ATV accident in the Hilldale area of Summers County on Thursday, June 1, 2017. It happened during the afternoon ...
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