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Jumat, 29 April 2016

Google Alert - Corruption

Pembaruan harian 29 April 2016
South China Morning Post
The Diplomat
Corruption is institutional in Pakistan, from top to bottom. Firing corrupt individuals alone is not going to fix this complex issue overnight. That kind of ...
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Hindustan Times
The Defence Ministry said corruption was the core issue in the VVIP chopper scam. (Picture courtesy: ...
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Kyiv Post
For the mafia, it's a great loss that such a huge ministry is given to a reformer where there is no corruption." Would he care to name the members of the ...
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The Standard Digital News (press release) (blog)
This is the latest attempt by the Government to deal with the procurement mess that has seen taxpayers lose billions of shillings through corruption.
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... the mayor's chief legal adviser, as investigators pursue a series of coordinated corruption probes that extend from City Hall to the police department.
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Not from the march of army columns, but from the greed and corruption of a rapacious global political elite. While nation-destroying corruption of ...
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Is corruption in developing countries of any legitimate concern to the West? The U.N. Economic Commission for Africa implicates the West when it ...
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Sputnik International
The Indian Defense Ministry believes that corruption took place during the process of procuring helicopters of an Italian producer, AgustaWestland, ...
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"The UK's reputation as a leader in the fight against corruption is on the line," the letter warns, following the latest revelations in the Panama Papers ...
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Anti-Corruption Summit 2016
The Anti-Corruption Summit, hosted by David Cameron, will encourage global action to expose, punish and drive out corruption.
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Senior Bhutanese Officials Visit IACA
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is a young international organization based in Laxenburg, Austria.
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NYC Mayor's Office Is Subpoenaed For Corruption
According to the mayor's chief legal adviser, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's office has received subpoenas from both state and federal ...
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Intelligence Briefing: Ukraine's Anti Corruption Joke
Western governments constantly say that once Ukraine gets past it's corruption issues it will then be a normal "respectable" government truly ...
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